marți, 22 martie 2011

Vânzare record pentru o sculptură a lui Amedeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920), la Casa de licitaţii Christie's, Paris

Capul sculptat în piatră, una dintre rarele sculpturi ale autorului s-a vândut cu suma de 43,18 milioane de EUR.
Sculpturile lui Modigliani sunt foarte rare, fiind confirmate numai 27, dintre care 17 se află în mari muzee ale lumii. 
Focalizat la început pe sculptură, în parte din motive de sănătate, Modigliani a trebuit să treacă la un moment dat la pictură.

Modigliani este unul dintre cei trei mari artişti ai generaţiei sale care s-au distins prin trei mijloace de expresie diferite: pictură, sculptură şi desen. Ceilalţi doi sunt Picasso şi Matisse. 

Prezenta sculptură provine din colecţia particulară Gaston Levy, fiind înstrăinată după 83 de ani de la cumpărarea ei, în 1927, la Paris. Gaston Levy, el însuşi artist şi restaurator, l-a cunoscut pe Modigliani în perioada Montmartre a acestuia.

Sculptată între 1910 şi 1912, lucrarea reprezintă un cap având caracteristicile binecunoscute ale picturilor sale: alungirea figurii, ochii semideschişi, gura mică, trăsăturile fine, senzuale. Aspectul vertical al sculpturii este echilibrat de părul desfăşurat pe orizontală, ca fluturând în vânt. O privire de jur împrejur a lucrării evidenţiază elemente suplimentare, ce înlătură impresia de frontalitate şi confirmă faptul că lucrarea a fost creată special pentru a fi văzută astfel.

Sculptura aminteşte de influenţele ce au avut un impact important în arta sa, pictată sau sculptată: puterea senzuală a sculpturii lui Michelangello, misterul totemic al artei africane, abstractizarea şi sinteza sculpturii lui Brâncuşi. Anume trăsături amitesc de bustul reginei Nefertiti de la Muzeul Egiptean din Berlin.

duminică, 13 martie 2011

Fifth Annual Health and Graphic Humor Contest, Spain

Fifth Annual Health and Graphic Humor Contest, on AIDS, understood as the physical and social disease and the impact that it has on developing countries, as well as sexual and condom promotion educational programs.


1. Any professional or amateur artist can participate in this competition.
2. The topic of this contest will be on Eating Behavior Disorders
3. The participants may submit up to three (3) items to the contest, with the provision that these images have not previously recieved awards in other contests
4. The works (only drawings) can be any graphic technique in single A-4 (210 mm x 297 mm) format or proportional size, in Catalan, Spanish or English.
5. All works must be submitted only via e-mail, to, after being scanned at 300 point resolution in JPG (JPEG) format.
6. The submission deadline is April 8, 2011.
7. Works must be accompanied by a file which includes first and last name, address, telephone number and a photograph or caricature of the artist.
8. A prize of 1000€ will be given to the winning application and a second prize of 500€ will also be awarded.
The jury panel of may declare that there is no winner. 

9. The decision of the jury panel is not subject to appeal.
10. The composition of the jury panel will be made public after the winner is announced.
11. The decision of the jury panel will be communicated to the winner during the third week of April 2011, by email, and will then be published on the website of Humoràlia , and in the media.
12. The first fifty (50) works selected will be exposed at the University of Lleida Medical School during the second half of May, 2009. furthermore, a catalog magazine with these works will be published, as well as editions of the posters. Also become part of a final book release.
13. Participation in this contest implies permission from the author's reproduction of the work presented in a book in paper form for dissemination and promotion of the contest. The organizers of the contest, agree to use these images for promoting this contest and not for other uses.
14. Participating in the competition constitutes acceptance of the contest rules in their entirety and without reservation. Any questions or conflicts will be resolved by the jury panel.

vineri, 4 martie 2011

The I st International Biennial Pastel Painting – ASPAS, Spain

ASPAS – Spain Pastel Society organize The I st International Biennial of Pastel Painting

Basic Regulations

· Works carried out in PASTEL SEC, on any medium (in case of mixed techniques, dry pastel must be the main technique employed).
· Format of the framed images: Maximum 100 cm by either side (including frame).
· The work will be presented framed and protected by glass or metacrylate.
NOTE: Painters who come from abroad will be offered the option of sending the work without framing or without glass; ASPAS will request a professional framer to frame them at an affordable price, to be paid by the artist concerned.
· Entries must be sent in a reusable rigid packaging (unless the work is to be collected personally)
· Each artist may submit for selecting up to five pictures.
· For each of the works submitted there should be attached to the registration form a picture in colour quality, minimum size 13 x 18 cm. On the back of the photo the artist must show: Artist Name / Title / Format / Economic valuation in €.
· It is essential to present the paper photos. Along with them the painters can also send digital photographs of sufficient quality (in a CD, which must be labelled with the name of the painter, the titles of works, its format and economic valuation in €., or by e-mail).
· The painters not members of ASPAS during 2010 should add a brief artistic curriculum (in English, Spanish or French).
The artists must sign a statement crediting the pastels presented are original works by the author. No copies will be accepted by other artists of any kind (past or contemporary) or works done in workshops under the supervision of another painter.
· An independent jury will select, among the nominations received, the pastels which will be exhibited. The selection jury's decisions are final.
· There will be a maximum of three pastels from each painter.

· Entry Deadline: April 30, 2011. Mailed applications must be postmarked by April 25.
· Artists will be informed of the jury's decision between 15 and 30 June 2011. The
method of payment (and the address for mailing accepted works) will be
communicated to accepted painters.
· Receiving framed works: between September 1 and 25, 2010.
· Receiving unframed works: before September 10, 2011
· Exhibition: September 30 to november 12, 2011
· Withdrawing of works: November 12, 2010

During the Biennial , various promotional and training activities will be organized : school visits, guided and commented tours, lectures, painting demonstrations, painting sessions plein air.
The Biennial will have an official section to show a representation of the pastel painters from of a guest country. HONOR GUEST COUNTRY 2011 will be FRANCE.
ASPAS will organize this official section directly in collaboration with leading French Pastel Societies.
An independent jury (different from the selection jury) will evaluate the work of the artists involved (other than the official section of the Honor Guest Country), to award various prizes to be delivered in collaboration with institutions and individuals that support this Biennial.
A) To participate in the exhibition is necessary to have paid the annual fee of 30 € for the year 2011.
B) Exhibition fees are:
· 10 € for processing the application. This amount is not refundable if not selected, and should be sent (in cash) with the application. In case of selection, these 10 € will be deducted from the payment of exhibition fees. ASPAS members with 2010 annual fee paid are exempt from this amount.
· 30 € per selected pastel (25 for ASPAS members in 2010)
ASPAS organize, with different individuals, institutions and companies, a Biennial Support Fund through the acquisition of works. The artists must indicate the economic value of their works. The painters are committed to pay to the Organising Association, under Exhibition Fees, 20% of the value of the purchased artwork.

The painters unable to be present at the time to withdraw the works should delegate to any person who can do it personally. Otherwise, ASPAS will withdraw works and forward them to the author, who should pay shipping charges. The painters that within one month (from the end of exposure) have not picked up their work or paid their forwarding shipping charges waive their rights to their works.

José del Riego
President of ASPAS- Spain Pastel Society