joi, 25 februarie 2021

Henryk Cebula, Polonia: "Human being"

Fără titlu, tuș, acuarele, 21x29,7cm, IS&PSAS Ed. 2


sâmbătă, 20 februarie 2021

Open Call: commission to create a sculpture of Anna Rogstad


Open Call: commission to create a sculpture of Anna Rogstad
For Eidsvolls plass in Oslo

On behalf of the Norwegian parliament (the Storting), KORO – Public Art Norway announces an Open Call for a commission to create a sculpture of Anna Rogstad for Eidsvolls plass in Oslo.

About the commission
In connection with the Storting’s commemoration of 100 continuous years of female membership, a decision has been made to place a sculpture of Anna Rogstad in Eidsvolls plass. Anna Rogstad was the first woman to sit in the Storting. The Storting’s Presidium has decided that the work should be a sculpture that is a recognizable portrait of Rogstad.

KORO will assist the Storting with the planning and execution of the project. The curator responsible for managing the project is KORO senior curator Trude Schjelderup Iversen. The producer is Anna Katharina Haukeland.

The Storting has appointed a jury that will serve as the project’s decision-making body. The jury will be chaired by the President of the Storting.

The public square known as Eidvolls plass is one of the most famous sites in Norway for gatherings, demonstrations and public debates. The square was named in 1864 while the Storting building was under construction. The name was intended to emphasize the connection between the Constituent Assembly, which gathered at Eidsvoll in 1814, and the Storting. The lion sculptures installed in 1865 on the corners closest to the Storting building are the source of the building’s nickname Løvebakken.

Between 1964 and 2014, five sculptures of men of historical significance for Norway as a nation and the Storting were installed in the square. The sculptures in the square today represent: Storting President W.F.K. Christie; King Christian Frederik; Johan Sverdrup, the father of Norwegian parliamentarism; Storting President Carl Joachim Hambro; and Prime Minister Christian Michelsen. Accordingly, the Rogstad sculpture will help to address the current sculptures’ gender imbalance.

KORO will lead the implementation of the project. Following the Open Call, the curator will present the jury with a recommendation as to which artists should be invited to compete for the commission. The curator will also facilitate the jury’s final decision-making process by preparing an opinion as to which artist should be selected to execute the commission.

The winner of the competition will be announced in mid-September 2021.

The sculpture will be unveiled on March 8, 2023.

Your application must include:
-a brief text explaining your interest in this commission (max. 2 pages of A4)
-photos or sketches of relevant artistic practice, max. 10 images
-an updated CV
-Your application must consist only of digital materials. All texts and sketches must be in PDF format. All photographs must be in JPG format.Total size of attachments: 20 MB
-send application to

The application deadline is 1pm (GMT +1) on March 8, 2021.

Please address questions about the application process or the commission to:
Anna Katharina Haukeland / T + 47 97785879 producer
Trude Schjelderup Iversen / curator and project manager

About KORO
KORO is the government agency responsible for public art and is a subordinate agency of the Ministry of Culture. Our professional activities are conducted according to arm’s-length principles. KORO is responsible for production, collection-management and public-engagement activities relating to art in public buildings and other public settings. Our collection of artworks is accessible to the public at around 1,000 sites in Norway and abroad.


vineri, 19 februarie 2021

Pavel Hafizov, Lituania: "Salt & Pepper"



"Zebra", tuș și colorare digitală, 30x21cm, IS&PSAS Ed. 2

Octavian Bour, Romania: "human being"


Fără titlu, digital, IS&PSAS Ed. 2


sâmbătă, 13 februarie 2021



15 aprilie – 13 mai – 2021

Regulament participare
Artistii vor trimite documente digitale ale lucrarilor A4, format jpg. rezolutie 300 dpi.
Titlul lucrarilor (maxim trei), dimensiuni, tehnica. Date contact: tel. , e-mail, sit daca e cazul – salvate in word. Copie dupa dovada platii COTIZATIEI pe anul 2021.
Foto artist jpg. 300 dpi. latura mare 10 cm. (separat si nu in word).
Toate documentele solicitate sa fie trimise pe adresa: pana in data de 20 martie 2021, cu mentiunea SALONUL STICLEI 2021

Artistii participanti vor plati o contributie de 100 lei, pentru realizarea acestui proiect, in contul UAP din Romania: RO83BACX0000003005108002 deschis la Banca Uni Credit Tiriac, cu mentiunea Salonul Sticlei 2021. 

Artistii din Bucuresti, pot depune contributia o data cu predarea lucrarilor la Galeria Orizont. Artistii filialelor din tara pot pune contributia in coletul cu lucrari.
Coletele vor fi trimise, (cu adresa clara pentru retur), la adresa postala: Relu Bitulescu str. Niagara nr. 20 sect. 1 cod.012494 – Bucuresti, in asa fel incat sa ajunga la destinatar in zilele de : luni si marti (12 si 13 aprilie 2021).
Artistii din Bucuresti vor aduce lucrarile direct la Galeria Orizont (b-dul Nicolae Balcescu 23 A), in data de luni si marti (12 si 13 aprilie 2021), orele 11.00 – 18.00.

Persoana contact Cristina Ilinca, tel. 0772.227.228.
Recuperarea lucrarilor de la Galeria Orizont de catre artistii din Bucuresti, se va face in data de 14 mai 2021.
Coletele artistilor filialelor din teritoriu se vor expedia (retur), din data de 17 mai 2021.

Artistii din teritoriu vor suporta plata expeditiei (tur/retur) a coletelor.

Multumiri pentru participare!

Echipa organizatorilor intentioneaza sa realizeze (cu putin noroc) un film si un catalog al expozitiei.