luni, 21 ianuarie 2019

24 Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art, Gabrovo

Description: заглавка 04


The organizers of the 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art invite artists to contribute their edgy takes on the concept of the public sphere. The exhibition will present contemporary art and cartoons addressing the following topics:
- public space
- public art
- public debate
- public broadcasting
- public interest
- public threat/security
- and other whatchamacallis with public dimension

47 years of poking fun at issues of utmost social significance give us the confidence that it is time to call on humour in order to deconstruct and redefine whatever is left of the concept of publicness.

The twenty-fourth edition of the Biennial will open on May 17th, 2019. The works selected by the jury will be on display at the Museum of Humour and Satire from May 18th until September 30th, 2019. The Biennial will feature a competition and a curated exhibition. The competition will be held in two sections – cartoon and contemporary art.

The full conditions of entry and the entry-form are published on the Biennial website

In order to apply, artists should fill in the online form with their proposals until March 8th, at midnight, Bulgarian time (GTM+2). The selection of the works will be done by an international panel of jurors. The selected artists must send their original works within the indicated deadline.

Address for contact:


Margarita Dorovska

- press release -

marți, 15 ianuarie 2019

The 11 th AMATERAS International Annual Paper Art Exhibition

The event is the  part of Sofia Paper Art Fest 2019 - Twice Awarded with European Label 2015-2016  and 2017 - 2018 for Innovations from Brussels Commission.

The AMATERAS Foundation in Sofia, Bulgaria has the pleasure to launch series of international paper art events.

After its successful tenth  editions, showing many paper artists from more than 32 countries, AMATERAS Foundation has pleasure to announce this year’s
exhibition/competition for paper art in 2D and 3D, created by artists from all over the world without restrictions of techniques, styles or materials. 
This exhibition is for middle and big paper works and will be held from 2 of May – 14 May, 2019 at The National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria. 
An international jury of selection will award prizes for

Prizes and Awards:

·        Grand Prix AMATERAS              500 Euro and Certificate

·        Award for INNOVATION             Exhibition and Certificate

·        Award for Bulgarian artist            Exhibition and Certificate

·        One Special Certificates for versatility of all 3 entries winner

·        Three Certificates for Honorable Mention     (good/high performance)

Please find the Regulations and Entry Forms as an attachment to this email, or for more information and to download Regulations

Entry Form  directly in Doc format or Pdf written not by hand! This information is for the catalog and returning the works.

dead-line for applications 1 of March 2019

please visit our website:

Or contact Daniela Todorova, M.A. at:

Daniela Todorova MA

Luceafărul poeziei românești, Mihai Eminescu

"Luceafărul" © Irina IOSIP


Din sfera mea venii cu greu
Ca să-ți urmez chemarea,
Iar cerul este tatăl meu
Și muma-mea e marea.”
O, vin'! odorul meu nespus,
Și lumea ta o lasă;
Eu sunt luceafărul de sus,
Iar tu să-mi fii mireasă.”
Cum el din cer o auzi,
Se stinse cu durere,
Iar ceru-ncepe a roti
În locul unde piere;

În aer rumene văpăi
Se-ntind pe lumea-ntreagă,
Și din a chaosului văi
Un mândru chip se-ncheagă;”

Mihai Eminescu