miercuri, 19 octombrie 2022

Call for papers: 2023 Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium


Call for papers: 2023 Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium

Nasher Sculpture Center announces an open call for participation in the 2023 Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium, which aims to expand scholarship on the field of contemporary sculpture in its many forms. Submissions should address themes related to the work of the 2023 Nasher Prize Laureate Senga Nengudi.

The Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium–dedicated to the work of Nengudi and open to graduate students from around the world, studying in any field–will take place virtually from January 17–20, 2023. The multi-day event will address a broad audience of art historians and museum professionals, allowing symposium participants to receive feedback from fellow presenters, the moderator, the keynote speaker, and audience members. This year’s symposium will be moderated by Dr. Lauren Cross, Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies, College of Visual Arts & Design, University of North Texas. Students selected to participate will have their papers published in the annual Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium Compendium, together with a paper delivered by the keynote speaker, Kellie Jones, Hans Hofmann Professor of Modern Art at Columbia University.

Suggested topics for the 2023 Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium
Sculpture and the body
Gender and race

Complete proposals must include the following
–Contact information, participant’s field and university affiliation, and CV
–Paper title and abstract of no more than 200 words, and 3 to 5 keywords

Proposals are due by Sunday, December 4, 2022.

Students selected to participate will have their papers published in the annual Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium Compendium, which will be published in April 2023 in tandem with Nasher Prize Month.

Send submissions and questions to symposium@nashersculpturecenter.org

About Senga Nengudi, 2023 Nasher Prize Laureate
Senga Nengudi was born in 1943 in Chicago, Illinois; she lives and works in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Nengudi’s work has been the subject of solo exhibitions organized by Henry Moore Institute (2018); the Baltimore Museum of Art (2018); Art + Practice, Los Angeles (2018); the Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami (2017); and the Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans (2017), as well as her recent retrospective, Topologies, which originated at the Lenbachhaus, Munich in 2019 and traveled to Denver Art Museum, Denver (2020); Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Brazil (2020); and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia (2021). Her work has been prominently featured in international biennials including the 57th Venice Biennale (2017) and the 54th Carnegie International (2007).

Nengudi was elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020 and has been a recipient of Denver Art Museum Key Award (2019); Women’s Caucus For Art Lifetime Achievement Award (2010); and the Anonymous Was A Woman Award (2005). Her works are held in institutional collections including The Museum of Modern Art, New York; The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Studio Museum in Harlem, New York; The Brooklyn Museum, New York; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Tate Modern, London; and Jerusalem Museum of Art, Jerusalem.


Senga Nengudi, Performance Piece, 1978. Silver gelatin prints, triptych. Overall: 118 3/8 x 41 inches. © Senga Nengudi, 2022. Courtesy of Sprüth Magers and Thomas Erben Gallery, New York. Photo: Harmon Outlaw.


luni, 17 octombrie 2022

Call for: The WBC invites cartoonists to the “Heroes of Boxing” Contest, Mexico


The WBC invites cartoonists to the “Heroes of Boxing” Contest

As part of the activities portraying the 60th annual Convention in the beautiful setting of Acapulco, Mexico, from November 6 to 11, the World Boxing Council invites professional cartoonists from all around the world to participate in the contest “Boxing Heroes.”

As part of the activities portraying the 60th annual Convention in the beautiful setting of Acapulco, Mexico, from November 6 to 11, the World Boxing Council invites professional cartoonists from all around the world to participate in the contest “Boxing Heroes.”

The best works will be printed by the WBC and will be exhibited during the convention. Below we present everything you need to know to take part.

Terms of the Contest:

Theme: “Boxing Heroes”

1.- The participating works must propose an original interpretation of the boxer they most admire.
2.- All artists who wish to express their point of view on the subject may participate.
3.- The contest starts from Friday, September 30, 2022 and until Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
4.-The participating works must be sent in digital format to the email: planderos@wbcboxing.com

With the following characteristics:

Subject: Heroes of Boxing – Name of Author and Title of the work
Colors: Color file in CMYK mode
Dimensions: 21.0 cm wide by 29.7 cm high (A4)
Format: .jpg file with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Weight: Up to 2 MB maximum
Contact information:
Technique: Free
Format: Tabloid type (30x20cm.)
Quantity: Maximum 2 per author


The best works will be printed by the WBC and will be exhibited during the Annual Convention from November 6 to 11 at the Hotel Mundo Imperial in Acapulco, Mexico.


The winners will be announced during the 60th Annual Convention of the World Boxing Council.
First place: 500 dollars, Glove Autographed by champions and a World Champion mini belt
Second place: $250, and a world champion jersey
Third place: $100 and a world champion jersey
The prize will be delivered in value title “nominative check” or through electronic transfer.
*These prizes do not include travelling costs of the winner, lodging, or expenses associated with the enjoyment of these.


Mentions will be awarded to the most outstanding works, in the opinion of the qualifying jury.

The participant, duly identified, ensures the authorship and originality of the pieces presented, and declares that the cartoons are not a copy or total or partial modification of any work belonging to third parties.

 Important Note

Whoever participates in the following call must do so with the understanding that:
By submitting your work(s), you grant full ownership of it by the WBC.
From the works received, a selection will be made to choose the finalists.
All the works received will form part of the WBC collection.
The participant, duly identified, ensures the authorship and originality of the pieces
presented, and declares that they are not a copy or total or partial modification of any work belonging to third parties.
By submitting your work(s), you grant full ownership of it by the WBC
Of the works received, a curatorship will be carried out, in order to obtain a selection that will be toured in different states of the Mexican Republic and abroad during

The WBC will have full power to decide how and when to carry out the museum script, the catalog and souvenir production, as well as the strategies for promotion, dissemination and management of the exhibition at a national and foreign level.

Any matter not provided for in this call will be resolved by the competent authorities of the WBC, and a representative of the qualifying committee.

vineri, 14 octombrie 2022

Henryk Cebula, Polonia: "Salt & Pepper"


Fără titlu, tuș, 21x29,7cm, IS&PSAS Ed. 3


marți, 11 octombrie 2022

Call for: Bienala Națională de Ceramică-Sticlă-Metal, ”Metafore Incandescente” ed. a V-a, ”AUS-Terra – 2022”- Cluj-Napoca

Muzeul de Artă Cluj, în parteneriat cu Secția de Arte Decorative a UAP Cluj, Universitatea de Artă și cu Design și Fundația CERAMART din Cluj vă invită să participați cu lucrări, la a V-a ediție a 

Bienalei Naţionale C-S-M "Metafore Incandescente"- "AUS-Terra" / 2022.

Manifestarea promoveză la nivel național artele contemporane din arealul artelor focului, CSM și pentru a doua oară nu va funcționa ca itinerantă (la Tg. Mureș și Bistrița). Sperăm într-o largă participare a breslei și că, această ediție să fie ultima afectată de crize, pandemice sau materiale.

Vernisaj: Expoziția este găzduită de Muzeul de Artă din Cluj și conform calendarului expozițional va funcționa fizic din 15 noiembrie – până în 6 decembrie 2022, începând cu ora 18.00 a zilei de marți, 15 noiembrie 2020, momentul vernisajului.

Participare: fiecare artist poate participa cu 1-2 lucrări (limită dimensională 70 cm.) care apar în catalog și va trimite câte 2 imagini jpg. din unghiuri avantajoase cu rezoluție 300 dpi pentru fiecare lucrare propusă. Alături de imaginile lucrării-lor, se trimit: portret artist, datele personale și datele tehnice ale lucrării/lor, conform modelului:
Date personale:
Nume și prenume:.......................................................;
Data/Anul/Locul nașterii:............................................;
Absolvent Univ./Anul:................................................;
Membru UAP/Filiala/anul/absolvent recent ...............;
Date contact:/adresa/tel./e-mail...................................;
Date tehnice:
Titlul lucrării:..............................................................;
Tehnica/ material/temperatura și tip ardere:................;
Anul realizării:.............................................................;

(*Pentru eficiența completării datelor de contact/tehnice, preluați cu copy-paste aceste rubrici!!!!).
Depunere date: pe e.mail, 20 Septembrie - 15 Octombrie 2022 termen limită. Gata de tipar 25 octombrie.

Date pentru tipar: foto artist; foto lucrare 300dpi, Jpg/Tiff, profil CMYK, date personale/ tehnice și foto chitanță de depunere a taxei, pentru contorizarea participării. Ne vom strădui ca la vernisaj să intrați în posesia catalogului tipărit.

Contact date: Andrei Florian, tel. 0746 180 059; andreiflorian1959@gmail.com
Adrian Pop, tel. 0747 918 976; pop.adrian15@gmail.com

IMPORTANT: Organizatorii își rezervă dreptul de a respinge imaginile ce nu respectă standardele de calitate cerute, date tehnice sau personale incorecte. Astfel nu vor aduce prejudicii de imagine, bienalei, catalogului și colegilor.

Depunere-Primire colete lucrări: personal sau prin curier Muzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca, Piaţa Unirii nr. 30, cod 400098 contact@macluj.ro; info.muzeu@macluj.ro , în perioada 20 Octombrie – 10 Noiembrie 2022

Contact colete: Muzeograf Dr. Florin Gherasim, Muzeul De Artă Cluj-Napoca, Tel.: 0744 191 617, între 9.00 – 16.00.

IMPORTANT: Organizatorii nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru lucrările sosite deteriorate. Expeditorul va fi informat în aceste cazuri primind imagini lămuritoare. Dacă se poate vor fi restaurate pentru expunere cu acordul expeditorului. Returul va fi realizat de către expeditor; catalogul va fi în colet, înmânat personal sau expediat Poștal.

Taxa participare: 120 ron, taxa acoperă: centralizare date, prelucrare imagini, pregătire machetă, costuri de tipar, etichete, invitații/afișe fizice și online, protocolul de vernisaj și taxe poștale pentru expedierea cataloage.

Cont Banca Transilvania Cod client 1070366, cont ron IBAN RO45BTRLRONCRT0107036601 Titular: Andrei Florian

Coordonator general al proiectului expozițional: conf. univ. dr. Andrei Florian, UAD Cluj.