marți, 26 aprilie 2011

The First International Biennial of Resistance Cartoon Contest, Iran


Resistance to Occupation
Peripheral parts
comic strip
Creating the occupier characters 
Animation works would be send on CD, without restriction period and technique
Size: min. A4, m ax. A3
Entries: 5 works
Please write your name, surname , address, phone  number in Email or in backside of each work.
Sent works could be won  in other contest.
first prize: 1000$ + diploma + statuette
Second prize: 500 $ + diploma + statue
Third prize: 250 $ + diploma + statue
And 5 selected  prize : diploma + statue
2011, September, 1st
Ashtab - martyr Montazeri Crossroads-Foundation for Preservation of Monuments and Publishing Values of Sacred Defense-Tabriz- Iran
Zip code: 51396-13117
Tel: +98  +411 284 30 94

The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA the 5 th Edition, 2011

Bucovina Museum & The Country Council from Suceava

The Bucovina Museum from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition  of Satirical Graphic
BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 5 th Edition, 2011.

  1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Dictator in the XXI century”
  2. We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
  3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.
  4. Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
  5. The exhibition prizes is: 
- Prize Bucovina = 500€ + diploma + gold medal 
- Three mentions = diploma + medal

  1. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour, or the cartoons must be sent at the address:
Bucovina Muzeum,
Str. Ştefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania

  1. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition.
  2. If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 15 th of September 2011.
  3. The exhibition will be opened for the public in november 2011.
     Members of Jury:
     Mihai Panzaru Pim - cartoonist
     George Licurici - cartoonist
     Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA- cartoonist
     Secretary: BOA

duminică, 24 aprilie 2011

joi, 21 aprilie 2011

Arta din materiale reciclabile, expoziţia "TRASH MADE", la Galeria Atelier 35, Bucureşti


Galeria UAP "Atelier 35" găzduieşte în parteneriat cu Centrul Ceh din Bucureşti, până pe 6 mai a.c., expoziţia "TRASH MADE", o colecţie originală de bijuterii, accesorii şi obiecte de decor executate din materiale uzate, reciclabile, majoritatea fiind componente electronice.

Rezultat al acestui joc artistic, mici bijuterii şi obiecte de decor scânteiază pe pereţi sau rafturi, arătându-şi cu dezinvoltură structurile complicate şi multicolore. Pot fi recunoscute într-o reconstituire plană sau spaţială, animăluţe, ceasuri, broşe, coliere, cercei ş.a.m.d.

Iniţiativa şi curajul a trei tineri designeri cehi, Anna Kozova, Linda Ciharova şi Jana Krovova, de a crea delicate obiecte din "gunoiul" celei mai actuale şi prolifice industrii, se înscrie în logica unei necesităţi de inedit a artistului de azi, obişnuit cu noutăţile tehnologice şi dinamica schimbărilor, conştient fiind de utilitatea socială a gestului său.

Consumator de obiecte devenite inutilizabile destinaţiei iniţiale, arta devine astfel, un ofertant de obiecte artistice accesibile unui public tânăr, în accord cu preocupările şi aspiraţiile acestuia.

Ca o continuare a jocului, conform cu aceste exemple, în cadrul workshopurilor organizate aici, copii din diferite generaţii au putut crea la rândul lor obiecte după propria imaginaţie.

Precum au povestit organizatorii, expoziţia îşi va urma menirea pe un drum itinerant prin Europa.


marți, 19 aprilie 2011

Cartooning for JAPAN , NEW LETTER from FECO

 Dear colleagues and friends,
on attachment you will find the new date and place for the exhibition for Japan , and the new deadline, too.
There is also the list from colleagues we have received works until this moment. Thanks a lot!
And last but not least, a kind letter from FECO JAPAN´s president Yoshiaki Yokota. Please remind to send some works directly by e-mail to Mr Yokota, too. His e-mail-address is: .

Thanks again and have a good week,
Marlene Pohle

We have some news for all cartoonists from the big FECO family and for all our colleagues and friends in the world. First of all we would like to thank you very much for your quick cooperation, we have just now around 150 cartoons from about 50 artists. It´s a good number but we need much more!
In recent days we had some troubles with the administration, the German Tax Office and the way to manage the money we hope to collect.
But now it seems anything is going in the right direction because we can count on the support of a famous institution, the Komische Pinakothek München, and so FECO is going to do this action in cooperation with it.
In consequence, place and date of the exhibition have changed : it will be held around the 26th of May in the Komische Pinakothek München ( and the deadline is now the 20th of May. If you have not yet sent your cartoon, you could do it before this date.
On attachment I resend you a letter from FECO JAPAN´s president Yoshiashi Yokota and a poem he sent me as a thanks for our small but important “drop in the ocean” we are sending for the Japanese people.
Thanks again and best wishes,
Marlene Pohle – Zoran Petrovic and the FECO Team

"FECO JAPAN thank you heartily for the great support and hurtful kindness that all of you gave for the damage by the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan, Now about 3,000 people died or are unfound yet, about 170,000 people have lost their house. But we are getting support from all over the world, and the people walk for revival by one step.
The refuges needs humor, smile, and laugh. We are certain cartoonists can send humor, smile, and laugh to the world across a border, and we are joint by the friendship and the humanity.
In Japan cherry blooms now. There was an ancient person who said that the dumpling which was a symbol of food was a little better than a flower. In Japan dumplings are made from rice. The northeast of Japan, which was damaged by disaster, is the area where delicious rice is harvested. And in the area cherry blossoms are much more beautiful. We are certain that your support have given the people humor, smile, and laugh. And of course flowers in the heart and delicious dumplings, too!
Let me say that ‘Arigatoh’ (thank you very much’ in Japanese) once again."

Masafumi KIKUCHI
Keiichi MAKINO
Yoshiaki YOKOTA

                    Succumb Not to the Rain

Succumb Not to the Rain
Succumb not to the rain
Succumb not to the wind
Succumb not to the snow nor to the heat of summer
Be strong in body
Unfettered by desire, not enticed to anger
Cultivate a quiet joy
Every day four bowls of brown rice
Some miso and a few vegetables to suffice for the day
To everything
Without judging
Watch well and listen closely
Hold the learned lessons dear
In a meadow, nestled in a pine grove's shade
A thatch-roof house
If, to the East, a child lies sick
Go forth and nurse him to health
If, to the West, an old lady stands exhausted
Go forth, and relieve her of burden
If, to the South, a man lies dying
Go forth with words of courage to dispel his fear
If, to the North, an argument or fight ensues
Go forth and beg them, "Stop such a waste of effort and of spirit"
In times of drought, shed tears of sympathy
In summer's cold, walk in concern and empathy
Called a blockhead by everyone
Without being praised
Without being blamed
This is my goal, the person I strive to become.

                          Miyazawa Kenji (08/27/1896-09/21/1933)

sâmbătă, 9 aprilie 2011

Cartooning for JAPAN , letter from FECO

Dear Colleagues,
The situation of Japanese people is really serious. We from FECO wish to help them even if it is in a modest fashion.
So we are going to start an action as you can see on attach.
We ask for your cooperation or from other cartoonists you know.
Many thanks and have a good time!

 Marlene Pohle
FECO vice-president general

FECO wants to get involved in a new -and urgent- solidarity action. The action is about Japan, and anyway everyone knows the question.
In fact, we are launching two actions :

1 - First action
At the initiative of FECO Japan, Yoshiaki Yoakota, president and No-rio Yamanoi, vice-president, we want to express our solidarity with the people of Japan. The cartoonists can send their works about Japan or on a free theme to the address :
 These cartoons will be printed and pinned up on the walls of the refuges for japanese victims. They will be also published on the local papers.

2 - Second action
We want to organize an exhibition including artworks by FECO members or not FECO members. The works will be offered for purchase and the total income will be given to an institution responsible to help victims of the japanese disaster even if it is in a modest fashion.
Zoran Petrovic, in charge of the layout of the FECO Bulletin, suggested this idea, then you can send your works at his post address :
Zoran Petrovic . Karlstrasse 65 . 76137 Karlsruhe . Germany
We ask everyone who wants to help us for one or several cartoons, preferently originals ; you can send also digital cartoons, but the print out must be signed by the artist. The theme is free, but please, write your name and your address , and your e-mail address on the back of the cartoon.
The exhibition will be held about the middle of April at the gallery EigenArt in Karlsruhe, Germany, were the showroom will be kindly reserved for us, free of charge.
With the help of the press, we could attract the population of the area and if possible it could be spread out more (national and international).
The works (originals or signed print out) must be sent by April 12th 2011.


marți, 5 aprilie 2011

"Reflecţii la ...Cuptor", Doru AXINTE la Clubul caricaturiştilor "Sorin Postolache", Bucureşti

Doru AXINTE, prezintă o expoziţie bogată în semnificaţii şi teme de actualitate ori reinterpretări ale unora des abordate, recunoscute ca fiind jaloane şi pietre de încercare pentru fiecare artist în satira desenată, toate tratate cu mult simţ de răspundere civică şi morală. 

Chiar teme „grele” pentru zilele noastre, se prezintă într-o formă delicată, în haine de sărbătoare. 

Aici se regăsesc lucrări premiate în saloane naţionale şi internaţionale prestigioase, între care recunoaştem lucrarea premiată în „International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon”, organizat pentru prima oară anul trecut de către revista noastră.

Desenul fluid, prezentat într-o proporţie optimă de vid şi plin, linia cursivă, elegantă şi culoarea plăcută dau o personalitate aparte desenului şi trădează o mână exersată şi uşurinţă în exprimarea ideii, respectiv conceperea lucrării. 

Mesajul este bine definit de linie iar culoarea dozată în cantitatea suficientă pentru a puncta, sprijini şi nu de a defini sau agrega informaţia conţinută de lucrare.

Personajele sale se mişcă lejer, păstrându-se într-un domeniu de trăsături general utilizate, dar apar şi excepţiile privind personaje cu totul aparte.
Irina IOSIP (text și credit foto)