marți, 28 iunie 2011
duminică, 26 iunie 2011
The 16th International festival of cartoon ZAGREB 2011, Croatia (click)
The Croatian Cartoonist Association announces the results of the contest heaving
the theme: VICES (alcohol, smoking, adultery, gambling ...)
Over than 331 authors with 744 works, from 61 countries and the names of the winners are:
First prize: SAŠA DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Srbija / Serbia
Over than 331 authors with 744 works, from 61 countries and the names of the winners are:
First prize: SAŠA DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Srbija / Serbia
Second prize: MIKHAIL ZLATKOVSKY, Rusija / Russia
Third prize: GRAHAME ARNOULD, Kanada / Canada
Third prize: GRAHAME ARNOULD, Kanada / Canada
Special Mentions:
DARKO DRLJEVIĆ, Crna Gora / Montenegro
NIK TITANIK, Hrvatska / Croatia
vineri, 24 iunie 2011
„René Magritte: Principiul plăcerii”, expoziţie retrospectivă, Muzeul Tate, Liverpool
Este cea mai mare expoziţie a artei suprarealistului belgian René Magritte, din Anglia ultimilor douăzeci de ani.
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"Le Trahison des Images" |
Artistul s-a născut în Lessines, provincia Hainaut, în 1898, fiind primul copil al lui Léopold Magritte, de profesie croitor şi negustor de textile şi al soţiei sale Régina, fostă modistă.
Se cunosc puţine lucruri din perioada timpurie a vieţii sale, fiind important de menţionat însă, sinuciderea mamei sale prin înnec, din anul 1912. Imaginea trupului mamei scos din râul Sambre, având capul acoperit de rochia sa seară, imagine văzută de Magritte sau închipuită (precum afirmă surse mai recente), a marcat profund percepţia artistului, fiind preluată în lucrări din perioada 1927-1928 dintre care şi în renumita pictură „Les Amants”.
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"The Announciation", 1939, oil on canvas, 127x158,6cm |
Se pare că lecţiile de desen le-a început în anul 1910, iar primele lucrări, datând din anii 1915, sunt în manieră impresionistă. Începând cu 1916, timp de doi ani, Magritte a urmat cursurile Academiei Regale de Arte Frumoase din Bruxel (Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels) având ca profesor pe Constant Montald, fapt care, însă, nu l-a inspirat prea mult în arta sa.
Picturile din perioada 1918 -1924 au fost influenţate de diverse stiluri, precum futurismul şi o ramură a cubismului practicată de Metzinger, temele sale predilecte fiind nudurile.
Timp de ani buni, nu pictura a fost meseria ce i-a asigurat traiul zilnic. După căsătorie, din motive pecuniare, a practicat mai multe meserii: infanterist în oraşul flamand Beverlo de pe lângă Leopoldsburg, desenator într-o fabrică de tapet, creator de postere şi reclame publicitare.
Timp de ani buni, nu pictura a fost meseria ce i-a asigurat traiul zilnic. După căsătorie, din motive pecuniare, a practicat mai multe meserii: infanterist în oraşul flamand Beverlo de pe lângă Leopoldsburg, desenator într-o fabrică de tapet, creator de postere şi reclame publicitare.
Abia în anul 1926 Magritte a reuşit să obţină un contract cu Galeria Centaure din Bruxel, putând astfel să lucreze exclusiv pictură. Tot din acest an datează prima sa pictură suprarealistă "The Lost Jockey" (Le jockey perdu). Prima sa expoziţie, din 1926, a fost aspre sancţionată de critica vremii, fapt ce l-a marcat profund pe artist şi l-a determinat să se mute la Paris, unde, alături de prietenul său André Breton se implică în mişcarea suprarealistă.
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"Philosophy in the Boudoir", 1947, oil on canvas, 195 x 152 cm, Thomas Jones Claburn colecţie, New York |
Anul 1929 aduce alte evenimente nefericite în viaţa artistului: Galeria Centaure se închide, astfel încât dispare sursa sigură de venit, iar în 1930, impactul lucrărilor sale în Paris fiind mic, se întoarce la Bruxel.
Urmează o perioadă de lucru alături de fratele său Paul cu care a fondat o firmă de advertisement, apoi se mută la Londra pentru pictură, fiind găzduit de către Edward James. Din acea perioadă datează şi lucrările "Le Principe du Plaisir” (The Pleasure Principle)" şi "La Reproduction Interdite" (cunoscută şi sub titlul "Not to be Reproduced"), în care sunt incluse şi înfăţişări ale lui James.
Începând cu ocupaţia germană, urmează o altă perioadă dificilă din viaţa lui Magritte. Anii 1943 şi 1944 sunt recunoscuţi ca perioada Renoir - caracterizată de renunţarea la violenţă şi pesimism, când Magritte adoptă culori mai luminoase şi un ton mai optimist ca reacţie la propriile sentimente de alienare şi abandon datorate constrângerilor vremii.
După aderarea la manifestul "Surrealism in Full Sunlight”, urmează perioada "Vache Period" a anilor 1947-1948, în stil fovist.
O vreme a produs lucrări sub nume false precum Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque sau Giorgio de Chirico, activitate frauduloasă culminând cu tipărirea de bancnote false alături de fratele său Paul şi de alţii.
Anul 1948 marchează întoarcerea benefică la temele proprii şi stilul suprarealist de dinaintre de război, drum urmat până la decesul ce a survenit în 1967.
Renumit pentru juxtapunerea unor obiecte banale - din utilizarea cotidiană, într-o conjunctură neobişnuită, Magritte se joacă cu ideea de realitate şi iluzie: cuvintele iau locul imaginilor, imaginile anulează înţelesul cuvintelor şi invers. Sugerând o altă realitate aflată din spatele realităţii prezente în faţa ochilor dar şi existenţa altor realităţi posibile, dialogul se continuă în spaţiul exterior tabloului, într-o continuă interogare asupra intenţiei autorului dar şi asupra propriei percepţii a privitorului.
Imaginile lucrărilor sale devin, astfel, un simbol al înţelesurilor ce pot fi percepute diferit în contexte diferite.
Arta lui Magritte a exercitat o puternică influenţă asupra artei pop, minimalismului şi a artei conceptuale. Imaginile lucrărilor sale sunt acum frecvent preluate şi înglobate în arta contemporană, de la reclamă la pictură sau sculptură, de la muzică la poezie.
miercuri, 22 iunie 2011
miercuri, 15 iunie 2011
"Luminile iubirii", poeme în interpretarea actriţei Manuela Golescu
Poemele maicii Teodosia (Zorica Laţcu Teodosia) scrise în prima jumătate a secolului XX, au fost interzise în perioada comunistă şi au provocat chinul măicuţei în închisorile vremii. Datorită părintelui Teofil de la Sâmbăta de Sus, care a moştenit manuscrisele, acestea au fost publicate, în sfârşit, în anul 2000, în volumul "Poezii", la editura Sofia.
Versurile măicuţei, de o desăvârşită curăţenie spirituală şi har literar, prind zbor înalt prin şoapta, strigătul sau tăcerile pline de înţeles, în interpretarea dramatică a Manuelei Golescu. Cuvânt cu cuvânt se înlănţuie într-o simfonie a trăirilor adevărate vibrând, prin vocea actriţei, când cu sunet de clopoţel, când în geamăt de clopot.
"Luminile iubirii", volumul II al poemelor în format digital, a apărut sub motto-ul "De-aş avea atâta credinţă încât să mut şi munţii, iar dragoste nu am, nimica nu sunt" (Sf. Apostol Pavel, I Corinteni, 13 v.2), având de această dată acompaniamentul muzical al lui Radu Miculiţă.
Irina IOSIP (text și credit foto)
marți, 14 iunie 2011
Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2011, China Rp.
Still image work (Cartoon and Comics) section
Competition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
1) Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest is authorized by the Asian–Pacific Animation & Comics Association and hosted by the Culture Industry Development Dept. of Culture Ministry of China and Guiyang government.
2) Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (hereafter referred to as " AYACC ") aims to be the top annual award for Asian and Pacific original animation and comics.
3) Theme
2) Tourism, Shopping and Economy
3) Free -- Any theme
4) Format (Section)
(A) Animated work: pass over
(B) Still image work:
Single-frame work(cartoon); comic strips; illustration.
5) Qualification:
The applicant has the copyrights of the work.
(A) Entry for the Category (A) (Animated Works): pass over
(B) Entry for the Category (B) (Still Image Works):
- All works must be submitted to send by internet to the appointed email box:
- The format should be ".JPG " in a minimum size of 300 dpi.
All works must be subtitled in English.
6) Eligibility
(A) All professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
(B) The applicant may enter multiple works, there are no limited of entry number.
7) Awards and Prizes
(A)Animation Awards: pass over
(B)Still image work (for Cartoon and Comics) Awards
General Prize:
Special Jury Prize --- Best artworks:
Best cartoon (1) 10000RMB
Best Comics Strips(1) 10000RMB
Best Illustration(1) 10000RMB
Best Character Image (1) 3000RMB
Most Innovative Design (1) 3000RMB
Best Students’ works(5) 2000RMB/each
Other honors
- The organizing committee will inform all nominated prize winners the results of the contest before the awarding ceremony.
- The organizing committee will invite ONE representative from each award to be present at the awarding ceremony and provide the invitees the transportation tickets and accommodations during the time of the awarding ceremony.
- The nominated applicants who participate in the awarding ceremony will have a free
-of-charge pass, offered by the organizing committee.
- Trophies and certificates will be awarded prize winners and nominated applicants.
- All prizewinners are solely responsible for paying taxes in connection with any monetary award, in accordance with all applicable local laws.
8) Submission Period
Entry Deadline: The entry deadline will be on July 1, 2011
9) Conditions
(A) Each submission is allowed to submit to AYACC once. Works awarded in other contests can be submitted.
(B) Entry form is not required for each submission. But entries must be accompanied by author's full name, address, telephone(or fax) and email.
(C) Submission will not be returned; so please do not send us your only copy.
(D) Any submission sent by Internet will be accepted.
10) Awarding Ceremony
The Awarding Ceremony will be held on August 19, 2011, in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China.
(A) The organizer of the Contest will issue the prizes and certificates.
(B) The organizing committee reserves all rights for final explanation.
11) The Right to Utilize the Work
- The applicant acknowledges and agrees that the Work (in whole or in part) may be reproduced and be widely utilized by the Organizer or its affiliated companies by means of broadcast (regardless of media), online transmission (including but not limited to the internet and mobile communications), exhibition, and distribution (e.g. in the form of a videogram).
- For the sole purpose of publicizing the Award and the future AYACC or similar award(s) organized by the Organizer, the Organizer shall have the right, without notice to the applicant, to utilize the Work in whole or in part by means of broadcast (regardless of media), online transmission (including but not limited to the internet and mobile communications), exhibition, and distribution (e.g. in the form of a videogram) free of any payment to the applicant, in perpetuity.
12) Contact Information (B) (for Cartoon and Comics) Email and
Tel: 86 10 84827149 Fax: 86 10 84827182
Web site:
Email: (uesd only for information, not for entries)
International Cartoon Contest at the 6th edition 2011, Brăila, Romania
Organisers: Braila Country Council & The Country Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
Contest: open to all cartoonists.
Entries: max. 5
The works must be accompanied by the author's biography.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: 1st September, 2011
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: 1st September, 2011
Great Prize –1500 €;
First Prize – 1000 €;
Second Prize – 800 €;
Third Prize – 500 €;
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 € (each)
Exhibition: 30th September, 2011
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: the works will not be returned, they will remain the property of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: the works will not be returned, they will remain the property of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
The works should be sent to:
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila No. 1, Aleea Cresei, Cartier Viziru I, 81040, Braila, Romania
Contact details:
The 9 th International Cartoon Biennale 2011 Pisek, Czech Rp
Organisers: City of Písek and the Czech Union of Caricaturists
Potential participants: authors from around the world older than 18 years
Entries: Topic: SURPRISE
Number of works: maximum 5
Size of work: A4, A3
Format: in electronic form only (pdf or jpg format, 300 dpi, up to 3 MB)
Entries to the Biennale must be original and still not evaluated in any international competition. Any apparent plagiarisms will be disqualified from the competition.
Applications: Works are to be sent exclusively by using the entry forms located at
By submitting drawings, the Biennale participant consents to these particulars of the competition and to the rules laid down by the Competition Statute (located on the competition‘s website). Contestants agree, among other things, that the drawings may be used to promote the Biennale.
Deadline for submitting artwork: July 11, 2011
Jury: The jury holds members of the organizers as well as Czech and foreign cartoonists and professionals.
It is the exclusive right of the jury to choose the works to be entered into the competition, to choose a collection for exhibition and for the catalogue, and to award the prizes.
Prizes (5 total): 1st place: 1000 € + diploma + trophy
2nd place: 800 € + diploma + trophy
3rd place: 600 € + diploma + trophy
4th place: 400 € + diploma
5th place: 200 € + diploma
Th e organizer will invite those awarded to the opening ceremony and pay their accommodations for 2 persons for 1 night. Holders of awards from abroad will also receive a contribution for transportation at the maximum amount of EUR 100.
Award-winning authors absent at the opening of the authors will be sent only a fi nancial reward and a certifi cate.
Financial awards are paid to the authors in EUR in the amount before taxes and subject to taxation under applicable laws.
Th e exhibition and catalogue: Th e exhibition will be launched at the ceremonial announcement
of the results on September 21, 2011 and will last until October 26, 2011 in the Sladovna Písek o.p.s. (Malthouse), Velké náměstí 113, 39701 Písek, Czech Republic.
Each of the authors whose work is selected for the Biennale exhibition collection will receive one copy of the catalogue which will specifically name all participants of the Biennale.
Potential participants: authors from around the world older than 18 years
Entries: Topic: SURPRISE
Number of works: maximum 5
Size of work: A4, A3
Format: in electronic form only (pdf or jpg format, 300 dpi, up to 3 MB)
Entries to the Biennale must be original and still not evaluated in any international competition. Any apparent plagiarisms will be disqualified from the competition.
Applications: Works are to be sent exclusively by using the entry forms located at
By submitting drawings, the Biennale participant consents to these particulars of the competition and to the rules laid down by the Competition Statute (located on the competition‘s website). Contestants agree, among other things, that the drawings may be used to promote the Biennale.
Deadline for submitting artwork: July 11, 2011
Jury: The jury holds members of the organizers as well as Czech and foreign cartoonists and professionals.
It is the exclusive right of the jury to choose the works to be entered into the competition, to choose a collection for exhibition and for the catalogue, and to award the prizes.
Prizes (5 total): 1st place: 1000 € + diploma + trophy
2nd place: 800 € + diploma + trophy
3rd place: 600 € + diploma + trophy
4th place: 400 € + diploma
5th place: 200 € + diploma
Th e organizer will invite those awarded to the opening ceremony and pay their accommodations for 2 persons for 1 night. Holders of awards from abroad will also receive a contribution for transportation at the maximum amount of EUR 100.
Award-winning authors absent at the opening of the authors will be sent only a fi nancial reward and a certifi cate.
Financial awards are paid to the authors in EUR in the amount before taxes and subject to taxation under applicable laws.
Th e exhibition and catalogue: Th e exhibition will be launched at the ceremonial announcement
of the results on September 21, 2011 and will last until October 26, 2011 in the Sladovna Písek o.p.s. (Malthouse), Velké náměstí 113, 39701 Písek, Czech Republic.
Each of the authors whose work is selected for the Biennale exhibition collection will receive one copy of the catalogue which will specifically name all participants of the Biennale.
miercuri, 8 iunie 2011
The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial, CHINA Rp.
Thanks to the artists all over the world, the First Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Biennial had been held successful in 2007. It was a big pity we could not continue the Biennial in 2009 because of some obstacles beyond the exception.
This year we restart the Biennial with the great support from the institutes and gallery of Beijing which are in the list as below. The Biennial aimed to spread the art of illustration, cartoon, printmaking and painting more and more globally. And we believe the art has the great power to touch our soul, increase the culture and to make the development of the real world.
The name of the Biennial changed into the Master Cup International Illustration Biennial as the reason of the opinion – cartoon is a kind of humorous illustration of life.
This year we restart the Biennial with the great support from the institutes and gallery of Beijing which are in the list as below. The Biennial aimed to spread the art of illustration, cartoon, printmaking and painting more and more globally. And we believe the art has the great power to touch our soul, increase the culture and to make the development of the real world.
The name of the Biennial changed into the Master Cup International Illustration Biennial as the reason of the opinion – cartoon is a kind of humorous illustration of life.
Host Units:
Master Illustrators's Federation
Beijing Ziteng gallery
Joint hosts:
Beijing Yingbao Printmaking House
Beijing Cartoon Center
Caijing Visual Arts Center
Sanchen Publishing House
Red Man Art International
Beijing Yingbao Printmaking House
Beijing Cartoon Center
Caijing Visual Arts Center
Sanchen Publishing House
Red Man Art International
1. Participation
The contest is open to all artist--Illustrator, Cartoonist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
The contest is open to all artist--Illustrator, Cartoonist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
A) Noah's Ark -- New World, New Age, New Hope...
B) Free Topic -- Live and Create Freely...
A) Noah's Ark -- New World, New Age, New Hope...
B) Free Topic -- Live and Create Freely...
3. Entries
1) No entry fee.
2) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests and exhibitions previously will be accepted.
3) Artist should summit the original works. Any computer prints, slide, photograph, xerox will not be accepted.
4) The maximum seven entries should be submitted for each category.
5) The maximum size of the works should be 350 x 500 mm(13.78 x 19.69 inch) respectively.
6) Author's resume and photo should be submitted with entries together.
7) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and category should be written on the reverse side of the works.
8) There are unlimited technique and medium of works, any painting, print making (cover any printmaking except digital graphics) and mixed art will be acceptted, works finished by computer or xerox will not be considered.
1) No entry fee.
2) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests and exhibitions previously will be accepted.
3) Artist should summit the original works. Any computer prints, slide, photograph, xerox will not be accepted.
4) The maximum seven entries should be submitted for each category.
5) The maximum size of the works should be 350 x 500 mm(13.78 x 19.69 inch) respectively.
6) Author's resume and photo should be submitted with entries together.
7) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and category should be written on the reverse side of the works.
8) There are unlimited technique and medium of works, any painting, print making (cover any printmaking except digital graphics) and mixed art will be acceptted, works finished by computer or xerox will not be considered.
4. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on web site: ;
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
Please down load the entry form on web site: ;
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
5. Deadline and Exhibition
1) The deadline for entry is September, 15, 2011.
2) The Opening exhibition will take place in Beijing Ziteng gallery on October, 1, 2011.
3) Host unit will invite winning artists to hold personal exhibition in Beijing after biennial.
1) The deadline for entry is September, 15, 2011.
2) The Opening exhibition will take place in Beijing Ziteng gallery on October, 1, 2011.
3) Host unit will invite winning artists to hold personal exhibition in Beijing after biennial.
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be considered.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
3) Please write "Don't bend" on the cover of envelope to prevent any damage.
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be considered.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
3) Please write "Don't bend" on the cover of envelope to prevent any damage.
7. Judgment
1) The jury will cover the well known panting and printmaking artist, cartoonist, illustrator and critics.
2) The jury meeting will be held on September, 25, 2011.
3) Biennial will announce the result on October, 1, 2011, host unit will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email directly.
1) The jury will cover the well known panting and printmaking artist, cartoonist, illustrator and critics.
2) The jury meeting will be held on September, 25, 2011.
3) Biennial will announce the result on October, 1, 2011, host unit will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email directly.
8. Prizes
1) Grand Master prize
1-A) Grand Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
1-B) Grand Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
2) Master prize
2-A) Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
2-B) Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
3) Best work prize of Master Cup International Illustration Biennial
3-A) Prizes for Illustration: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning illustration respectively.
3-B) Prizes for Cartoon: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning cartoon respectively.
3-C) Prizes for Printmaking: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning Printmaking respectively.
4) Special Prize offered by Host Units and Joint Hosts:
Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 12 winning works.
5) Special Prizes of Jury meeting:
Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 15 winning works.
6) Honorary Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 30 winning works.
7) Excellent Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 50 winning works.
8) Host unit will also give selected prizes.
* Each Participator may win multi- prizes in same category or different category.
1) Grand Master prize
1-A) Grand Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
1-B) Grand Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
2) Master prize
2-A) Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
2-B) Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
3) Best work prize of Master Cup International Illustration Biennial
3-A) Prizes for Illustration: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning illustration respectively.
3-B) Prizes for Cartoon: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning cartoon respectively.
3-C) Prizes for Printmaking: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning Printmaking respectively.
4) Special Prize offered by Host Units and Joint Hosts:
Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 12 winning works.
5) Special Prizes of Jury meeting:
Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 15 winning works.
6) Honorary Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 30 winning works.
7) Excellent Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 50 winning works.
8) Host unit will also give selected prizes.
* Each Participator may win multi- prizes in same category or different category.
9. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries, of course Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading biennial and artists.
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries, of course Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading biennial and artists.
10. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive a copy of the catalog made for biennial.
The authors whose works has been selected will receive a copy of the catalog made for biennial.
11. Provisions
1) The winning works will not be returned, Non winning works can be returned by request in due form and participators should cover the charge of return and package.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
1) The winning works will not be returned, Non winning works can be returned by request in due form and participators should cover the charge of return and package.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
12.For Information
Secretariat of biennial
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Secretariat of biennial
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
Telephone: 0086 – 010 – 13161975421
Web site: ;
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