Dear friend artists from everywhere,
Since 2010 we publish articles about visual arts and artists and on other topics. But anytime we talk about YOU, AS HUMAN BEING AND ARTISTS.
On 19th February 2013 we celebrate 3(three) years to be with you and for you, therefore we like this be our fantastic day to be together and why not?, to work together for a better future.
By this reason, we invite you to share with us on the special page, your wonderful ideas and art works about the great causes of humanity to be sustained this year, 2013, because .... THE BEST TIME TO DO SOMETHING IS TODAY !
Your postcards and empathy words will be very appreciate, also.
Firstly, take a break, take a coffee or a good breath of fresh air, if you wont, and think hard ABOUT US AS HUMAN BEING AND HUMANITY FUTURE!
We are in crisis, but we have great ideas which may change our perception on LIFE, CULTURE, PEACE / WAR, ECONOMY, WOMEN / MEN, FAMILY and so on, and consequently may and should change our future.
Remember to be optimistic, because we CAN CREATE THE FUTURE, OUR FUTURE, changing our mind perception. The first duties as a human is TO THINK AND TO LOVE. As artists we should do mach more for !
Post here your great works and interesting opinions. Awarded or not, published or not, old or new, if works / comments are still in your present opinion on the topic, send these.
Salt & Pepper Magazine will organize an exhibition with your art works, humorous or artistic only, on magazine's site. No works with "adult content" will be accepted, regardless of their artistic quality. Organizers own the right do not admit works/opinions that may attempt against individual and/or collective rights.
Let's our anniversary to be yours too.
If you wont to help Salt & Pepper Magazine and it's own projects ( i.e. IS&PSAS) to go further, we will be honored and grateful to receive your own contribution. Send your intention on e-mail: and we contact you as soon as possible.
Have enough salt and pepper in your life to be healthful, happy and full of humor !