vineri, 27 februarie 2015

Din atelierul pictorului N. Blei vine parfum de primăvara

Am vizitat atelierul pictorului Nicolae BLEI, cu un buchet de flori în brațe. Știam că apreciază florile de toate formele și din toate anotimpurile, dar nu m-am așteptat ca atelierul maestrului să fie atâț de plin de culoare. Într-un fel, micul meu buchet a fost umilit de revărsarea de flori strălucind de prospețime din numeroasele lucrări aflate în toate ungherele. 

Artistul care pictează flori este un om cu o sensibilitate și un suflet aparte, în care va sălășui totdeauna primăvara...


joi, 19 februarie 2015

Amateras annual mini paper art exhibition/competition, Bulgaria

The application procedure will be in four stages as described below:
Stage One:  Sending of the application materials
Deadline 1 of March 2015 - via email only
Application materials arriving after this date will not be examined.

To enter this competition, please send the following materials:

  • No more than 3 digital Images of paper works for the exhibition – 600/800dpi in jpg. format
  • CV – short, A4 in doc. format in English and web if have. This information is important for the catalog and web presentation, not for the selection.  
  • Personal photograph – 400/600dpi. in .jpg format
  • Filled in application form – titles, dimensions and media/technique description. The actual size of the works for this exhibition must be no more than A4 or 15/15/20cm.
  • Copy of money transfer document showing the payment of the application fee of 40 Euro, via email – the address is stated below.
Works selected for the exhibition will be published on the website of the exhibition on March 20, 2015. Selection results will also be sent to the selected artists by e-mail on March 20, 2015 if an e-mail address is stated on the application form. Application materials must be sent via email only before March 1, 2015 to:
Organizer: Daniela Todorova, M.A.

Stage Two: Sending the original paper works selected in Stage 1.
Deadline April 15, 2015
Works have to arrive in Sofia, Bulgaria, no later than the deadline.

  • Originals arriving after this date will not be included in the exhibition.
  • The organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage sustained during transportation.
  • The works should be sent to Art Alley Gallery – AMATERAS Annual Paper Art Exhibition 2015 as PRINTED MATTER by registered air-mail in a simple packet, unframed, without mounting, bearing the declaration "No commercial value". Please notice: Packages with declared value amounts arrive directly in the customs office, and they will be returned back from the customs office at the expense of the sender.
  • All selected works must be legibly labeled with the titles, dimensions, media, and dates of the work.
  • Authors of 3D works will be informed by email after the end of exhibition about covering the return price of transport expenses. Return of 2D works is included with the application fee.
  • 2D works and works with relief have to be with prepared hanging system by the artist. If such not exist, the organizers reserved the right to expose the work according to their possibilities and if this is against the entirety of the work, the organizers don’t take any responsibility. If this embarrass or threaten other works, the organizers reserved the right not to expose the work having such a problem.
Accepted works must be sent to the address below:
Gallerist:    Svetlana Ganeva
Address:    Art Alley Gallery
            51a, William Gladstone,
            Sofia, Bulgaria
Hour        18:00 PM

Stage 3 - the Exhibition

  • Exhibition dates are May 7 – June 6, 2015 at Gallery Art Alley, Sofia, Bulgaria
Address: 51a, William Gladstone, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Works will be for sale with a 10 % VAT.
  • Exhibition news will be published in all media and  newspapers
  • Exhibition will be publicized widely and advertised in all media.  Art critics, curators, collectors and art lovers will all be invited. The organizers will also invite representative persons of foreign cultural institutions in Sofia.
  • The artists will be informed if their works are sold, and the money will be transferred to their bank accounts after 10% VAT.
  • During the exhibition AMATERAS FOUNDATION will organize presentation of winning artists and world paper events and organizations.
  • During the exhibition will be organized workshops and PAPER PARADE in the NIGHT OF THE MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES.
  • If some of selected artists would like to come in Bulgaria please inform organizers.
 Stage Four : Return of the originals
All applicants will receive the catalog of the exhibition and their works back by end of the year 2015 or in January 2016.

Conditions for returning of the works:

  • 2D works – return is included in the application fee
  • Authors of 3D works will be informed by email after the end of exhibition about covering the return price of transport expenses.
  • If the artist would like to donate the works to the organizers, this should be stated on the application form by checking yes or no. AMATERAS FOUNDATION will present representative selection of donated works to their special exhibition in other cities in Bulgaria and abroad. The selection will be made according to the requirements of the exposition space and context of the event. The purpose of this exhibition is to show different directions and styles. All artists will be informed about these future plans. This year is plan exhibition in Prague, CZ.
Entry Fee
The Entry Fee of 40 Euros helps to cover the cost of a catalogue, gallery rent, the organization of the exhibition, and advertising materials, PR campaign and postage expenses for 2D materials.
Method of payment: 
Checks are not acceptable.

Recommended methods of payment are as follows:COINSTAR (TRAVELEX), MONEYGRAMRecipient: Daniela Todorova
Address: 16a, Vishneva Str.
City: 1164 Sofia,
Country: Bulgaria, EU

Bank transfers made to:

Bank: TB Allianz BULGARIA
Using IBAN: BG 59 BUIN 7220 1442 356 716
Recipient: Daniela Todorova
Reason of payment: application fee for AMATERAS Annual Paper Art Exhibition 2015

Postal Money Order from the post office:

International Postal Money Transfer Orders made to the name of Daniela Todorova, MA /founder and curator of AMATERAS FOUNDATION/.  Recipient: Daniela Todorova
Address: 16a, Vishneva Str.
City: 1164 Sofia,
Country: Bulgaria, EU
Pay Pal

Selection will be made by an international jury of art experts. The decisions of the jury are final.
Prizes and Awards:

Grand Prize AMATERAS - 500 Euro and Certificate
Award for innovation - 200 Euro and Certificate
Award for young artist - 200 Euro and Certificate
Award for Bulgarian artist - exhibition and Certificate
One Special Certificates for versatility of all 3 entries winner
Three Certificates for Honorable Mention (good/high performance)
The works of 4 price winning artists will be owned by AMATERAS FOUNDATION, and will be exhibited in other future exhibitions.

The money from Prizes and sold works will be send to artists after end of the exhibition, but no latter than the end of 2014.

First Four Winning Artists and the Four Honorable Mention Artists will be welcome to exhibit at the AMATERAS Annual Paper Art Exhibition 2015 without an Entry Fee.
 Rules for publishing:

  • AMATERAS FOUNDATION reserves the right to photograph all works, advertise them and publish all materials on the CD, catalog, and website of the exhibition and for all other needs. 
  • Unless specified by the artist, all files will be kept in the library of the organizers, and all applicants will be informed in the future about events organized by AMATERAS FOUNDATION.
  • All participating artists will be presented on the website of AMATERAS Annual Paper Art Exhibition.
For further questions please email to:

Contact person: Daniela Todorova, M.A.:

Please fill out in English the entry form for stage one. You can download it here:
Amateras entry form 


Enigmă sau nu, la Galeria “U” ART, București

„Unii pictori văd peisajele, alții lumina, unii văd culoarea, alții văd omul ... dar până la urmă corpul uman este cel mai frumos peisaj.” critic Marius TIȚA

Expoziția "Enigma silențioasă" a Oanei Unciuleanu este rezultatul a câtiva ani de lucru, în care autoarea nu și-a pierdut scopul și concentrarea pe subiect, ceea ce denotă un interes special față de tema „corpul uman”. De altfel, reprezentarea corpului uman, până la urmă cel mai misterios și complex fenomen despre care știm că există în univers, este un exercițiu de autocunoaștere, de esențializare a ideilor vis à vis de acesta privit ca obiect și ființă în același timp.

Într-o expunere cursivă, elaborată prin complexitatea redării, detalii decupate dintr-o realitate imediată acoperă spații supradimensionate. Studiate atent, suprafețele și volumele își dezvăluie frumusețea pură aproape numai în non-culori. Spre deosebire de tehnica fotografică cu care ai fi tentat să asimilezi pictura Oanei Unciuleanu, negrul și albul, umbra și lumina sunt delicat nuanțate într-un amestec bine dozat de culori ce sugerează energii pulsatoare, vii.

Specială este și încadrarea imaginilor, similară și ea procedeelor fotografice, focusând atenția asupra unui detaliu, poate nu neapărat cel mai semnificativ al întregului, surprins cu privirea într-o fracțiune de secundă: un fald de cămașă, o jumătate de tors, un gest.

Expoziția poate fi asimilată cu un jurnal al imaginilor, gesturilor și atitudinilor rămase pe retină nu obligatoriu pentru importanța lor intrinsecă ci mai ales pentru semnificația lor într-un spațiu mai extins - nu neapărat personal, sau pur și simplu pentru simplitatea și frumusețea lor.

luni, 2 februarie 2015

3nd European International Book Art Biennale will take place in BUCHAREST, ROMANIA


„Every artists creates his own journal/ diary, that transposes his physical state of mind and embodies a part of his soul constantly influenced by specific moments in life“, Dorothea Fleiss

The exhibition of the 3nd European International Book Art Biennale will take place 2015 in BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Organisers of the EIBAB : D. Fleiss & East West Artists e. V. Stuttgart,

Dorothea Fleiss Email: cocurator: Mirela Traistaru


1.Any book artist from any country can take part in the competition. 
2. Please emailing your digital application (Images of works, CV/Bio and description of works)  to EIBAB@WEB.DE
Deadline:         Entries must arrive by  15th April 2015.
3. Pre-selection will be undertaken by the Directors of DFEWA.
Notification of their decision will be posted on the EIBAB BLOG website on 15th May 2015
All entrants will be notified of the outcome of the pre-selection process by E-mail.
Please note, digital and supporting material will not be returned.
 4. Up to two artist's books can be submitted by one author/artist or a team.The books should be completed within last two years (2013- 2015) in any technique and belong to the author/artist, art gallery or press. 
5. As for the texts not written by the artist we ask to obey the general rules of copyright. The name of a writer (and a translator), the title (and the original title), name of a publisher and year of publishing should be given. 
6. The accepted works should be send no later than june  30th , 2015 to:

The address for post: Mirela Traistaru Kiseleff Street, no.51, ap.2,           
Bucharest, district 2           

7.There are no limitations regarding technique and form, however in case of very complex and unusual works due to material, size or construction the artist is kindly requested to contact the organisers.A submitted work may not be accepted for the following reasons:
Technical difficulties involved exhibiting it.
It may be considered to have possible harmful effects on the audience.
8. The international jury selected by the organisers will review the submissions and choose the works for the EIBAB EHIBITION. The exact date and place is to be determined.
The jury will judge the works and select those ones to be awarded and shown at the exhibition. Decisions of the jury can not be appealed.
9. The prizes will be awarded by the Jury.  
10. The costs of sending/ shipping the books are on the artist.
Please write the value for the customs max. 30 EUR / 30 USD or the text
The organisers are not responsible of any damages caused by the conditions of transportation or careless packing by the artist.
The books should have labels with artist's name, title and notice “European Book Art Biennale”.

12.  The participants agree that images of their works may be used for the promotion of the European International Book Art Biennale 13. Pictures of works and any other documents attached to the entry form will be kept in the competition archives and not returned to the artist.
Artists may choose to donate their work itself to the Biennale Collection.
If they wish to have their work returned, artists are responsible for covering the cost of return shipping themselves.
14. The openning will be on  May  in BUCHAREST.
For any questions please contact:

Dorothea Fleiss
Mirela Traistaru
phone:  0040 744 200 350