marți, 26 ianuarie 2021

CALL FOR: European Glass Context 2021 Exhibitions, Danemarca


EGC2021 Exhibition - Open Call

2 large curated exhibitions at the Bornholm Art Museum and Grønbechs Gård will showcase the best of European glass. The exhibitions are curated with personal invitations, as well as an open call, where individual artists, artists associations, individual curators, artists, designers and crafts makers working with glass can apply for participation.

The new deadline for the Open Call is February 1st 2021.
Applications will be accepted from January 1st - February 1st 2021.

In February 2021 the curator group will select the artists that will be invited to participate, applications are not accepted for this section.



European Glass Context 2021 Exhibitions
Four underlying categories will shape the exhibitions. By setting a contemporary framework for the exhibitions, we want to put together two exhibitions that will largely reflect significant and new works, as well as the innovative, activist, experimental and sustainable trends in European glass.

Ca. 60 artists will be represented with major significant works. A curatorial group of 7 glass professionals from selected regions in Europe will make the final selection of artists representing all 31 invited European countries.

Artwork can be made in any technique and form of artistic expression. The materials used in the artwork must be predominantly glass. Objects must be unique and not part of serial or industrial production. Artwork must be available throughout the full exhibition period. Artwork must be contemporary and made in 2016 or later, work produced before this time will not be accepted.

Who can participate?
All 27 members of the European Union as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland and UK are invited to participate in the EGC2021 exhibitions. Artists must be of the nationality or be a resident in the country they represent.

Exhibition categories
Site-specific installation projects or works: could be with reference to Bornholm.

UN Sustainability Goals: works based on one or more of the UN's sustainability goals.

Craft: unique master pieces and contemporary objects.

Social or political practices: works or processes originating from social or political practices.

The EGC2021 Prizes and Jury
Two prizes of € 10.000 € and € 5000 will be given to two outstanding artists or artists groups, selected among the participants in the exhibitions. A jury of three international members with expertise within the field of glass will go through the exhibitions before the opening and select the prize winners. The winners will be announced at the exhibition opening.

Exhibition Catalogue
The exhibitions are documented with an exhibition catalog. This publication with all participating countries also serves as a European statement and reference book for contemporary glass in Europe. The publication is therefore in demand in the country's largest libraries and can also be found in specialist libraries at educational institutions and museums around Denmark and in the rest of the world.

The EGC2021 Prizes and Jury
Two prizes of € 10.000 € and € 5000 will be given to two outstanding artists or artists groups, selected among the participants in the exhibitions. A jury of three international members with expertise within the field of glass will go through the exhibitions before the opening and select the prize winners. The winners will be announced at the exhibition opening.

Bornholm Biennials for Contemporary European Glass and Ceramics are jointly organized by Bornholm Art Museum, the Royal Danish Academy, Crafts in Glass and Ceramics and Grønbechs Gård. The secretariat is located at Campus Bornholm.

Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation
Crafts in Glass and Ceramics

Stenbrudsvej 43
DK – 3730 Nexø

Head of Exhibitions Susanne Jøker Johnsen
Project Assistant Stine Skot
Mobile: +45 4170 1980


sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2021

CALL FOR: Concurs pentru Statuia Baronului Brukenthal, Sibiu, România



 Începând cu 15 ianuarie 2021 se fac înscrieri în concursul de proiecte pentru statuia Baronului Samuel von Brukenthal. Se Concurs pentru Statuia Baronului Brukenthal dorește ca monumentul să fie amplasat în apropierea Palatului Brukenthal – Muzeul Național Brukenthal din Piața Mare din Sibiu.
Organizatorul proiectului este Rotary Club Sibiu în parteneriat cu Boromir SA și Muzeul Național Brukenthal.

Viitorul monument ar trebui să aibă o înălțime de maxim 3 metri cu un soclu de inspirație barocă de maxim 60 cm. Samuel von Brukenthal se dorește să fie înfățișat în picioare înveșmântat fiind cu Ordinul Sf. Ștefan.

Conform calendarului concursului, ultima zi de depunere a proiectelor este 26 februarie 2021, urmând ca la data de 1 martie 2021 să se anunțe câștigătorul proiectului.

Consursul este destinat artiștilor profesioniști care au experiență în realizarea monumentelor.

În acest timp organizatorul va face demersurile necesare, conform legislației în vigoare, pentru realizarea documentației și a primirii aprobărilor necesare amplasării statuii în Piața Mare din Sibiu.

Conform organizatorilor, juriul concursului este alcătuit din 13 membri: reprezentanți ai autorității locale, oameni de cultură, istorici, profesori și artiști.

Suma aferentă acestui monument este deschisă, urmând a fi menționată în urma alegerii proiectului câștigător.


Formular de participare (DOC)


Anexa 1: Samuel von Brukenthal (PDF)

Anexa 2: Diferite date și prezentări ale ordinului Sf. Ștefan cât și statui și machete ale diferitelor personalități înveșmântate cu acest ordin (PDF)

Anexa 3: Propunere Amplasament Statuie Samuel von Brukenthal (PDF)

marți, 5 ianuarie 2021