Dear Colleagues,
The situation of Japanese people is really serious. We from FECO wish to help them even if it is in a modest fashion.
So we are going to start an action as you can see on attach.
We ask for your cooperation or from other cartoonists you know.
Many thanks and have a good time!
Marlene Pohle
FECO vice-president general
FECO wants to get involved in a new -and urgent- solidarity action. The action is about Japan, and anyway everyone knows the question.
In fact, we are launching two actions :
1 - First action
At the initiative of FECO Japan, Yoshiaki Yoakota, president and No-rio Yamanoi, vice-president, we want to express our solidarity with the people of Japan. The cartoonists can send their works about Japan or on a free theme to the address :
These cartoons will be printed and pinned up on the walls of the refuges for japanese victims. They will be also published on the local papers.
2 - Second action
We want to organize an exhibition including artworks by FECO members or not FECO members. The works will be offered for purchase and the total income will be given to an institution responsible to help victims of the japanese disaster even if it is in a modest fashion.
Zoran Petrovic, in charge of the layout of the FECO Bulletin, suggested this idea, then you can send your works at his post address :
Zoran Petrovic . Karlstrasse 65 . 76137 Karlsruhe . Germany
We ask everyone who wants to help us for one or several cartoons, preferently originals ; you can send also digital cartoons, but the print out must be signed by the artist. The theme is free, but please, write your name and your address , and your e-mail address on the back of the cartoon.
The exhibition will be held about the middle of April at the gallery EigenArt in Karlsruhe, Germany, were the showroom will be kindly reserved for us, free of charge.
With the help of the press, we could attract the population of the area and if possible it could be spread out more (national and international).
The works (originals or signed print out) must be sent by April 12th 2011.