miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

MONDRIANISATION, Literary & Art Project

Dragi prieteni,
 Am avut deosebita placere si onoare sa fim invitati sa participam cu filmele noastre experimentale in cadrul "Festivalului TRANS – PARIS Express", organizat de TRANSIGNUM www.transignum.com, in perioada 27 mai – 10 iunie, 2013, in espace 59, rue de RIVOLI, Paris. Festivalul este organizat in colaborare cu Fundatia Mondrian din Olanda, sub egida proiectului MONDRIANISATION in urma combinarii cuvintelor MONDRIAN si MONDIALIZARE.
Este un proiect interesant si va veti da seama de acest lucru dupa citirea "MANIFESTO"-ului care sta la baza festivalului.
Trimiteti toate filmele pe adresa:
pana la data de 15 MARTIE, 2013 (data postei din localitatea dumneavoastra). Am revenit cu aceasta invitatie si am decis un nou termen in urma multor solicitari primite.
Formatul este DVD sistem PAL, maximum 3 filme/artist, cu o durata maxima de 4 minute, plus CV-ul dvs.
Dupa incheierea proiectiilor rugamintea mea este sa lasati filmele incontinuare la mine pentru a putea promova opera dumneavoastra in alte proiecte video ce pot sa apara. Nu voi implica fimele voastre in nici un proiect cultural ce are un scop comercial ci doar in acele proiecte dedicate exclusiv promovarii si sustinerii artei contemporane. Voi deschide pe noua mea pagina http://www.bochis.ro   o sectiune dedicata exclusiv proiectelor noastre comune dedicate filmelor experimentale cu informatiile la zi despre evolutia lor.
Pentru informatii de orice fel va rog sa ma contactati pe adresa:mirceabochis@adslexpress.ro

Manifesto-ul ce urmeaza constitue ghidul dupa care trebuesc realizate filmele voastre.
Textul proiectului artistic si literar in jurul "mondrianizarii" lumii a fost construit pe trei axe:
1– Eseurile pe care Piet Mondrian le-a publicat in franceza in "De Stijl" la inceptul anilor 1920, formeaza prima axa „disparitia lumii vizibile” – ideea directoare a cartii scrisa de poetul Jan Misjkin.
2 – A doua axa se dezvolta pastrand consoanele numelui sau M=NDR=N si creand noi cuvinte prin permutarea acestor consoane (vocalele sunt electroni liberi) ; iata un exemplu :  "Mine De RieN MoNDRian". Cateva din aceste  anagrame (daca nu tinem cont decat de consoane) sunt olandeze : "MeeR DaN MieR eN RoeM Na NijD eN NaaD"
3 – Majoritatea ideilor provin dintr-o frictiune a « textelor jurnalistice peste criza economica, a carei sens a fost deturnat in directia eseurilor lui P. Mondian, indeosebi ca: "realului nu ii lipseste initiativa de a imita panica".
Intre rigoarea, austeritatea "mondrianizarii" si dezordinea "mondializarii", videastii diverselor colturi ale lumii realizeaza opere inspirate din realitatea ambientului lor social.
PROIECTIA FILMELOR realizate pe acest subiect
Cinema "La Pagode" Paris,  L’espace 59, rue RIVOLI, Paris.   Romania in proiectii itinerante cu anuntarea locurilor la momentul respectiv pe pagina: http://www.bochis.ro

Dear Artists,
We had the special honour and pleasure to be invited to participate with our experimental movies, in "TRANS – PARIS EXPRESS" Festival, organized by TRANSIGNUM www.transignum.com, between May 27 – June 10 2013, in Paris, Espace 59, rue de Rivoli. The festival is organized in collaboration with Mondrian Foundation from Netherlands , under the MONDRIANISATION project, the term coming from combining the two words: Mondrian and "Mondianization".
You will realize it is an interesting project after having read “The Manifesto”, which is the foundation of the festival.
Please send all the movies to the following address: 
Mircea Bochis, PO . BOX-2,  435100 BAIA SPRIE, MARAMURES , ROMANIA
until March 15, 2013 (the postal date from your locality). I came back with this invitation and decided for a new deadline, following numerous requests.
The format is DVD, PAL system, maximum 3 movies/artist, with a maximum duration of 4 minutes plus your CV.
After finishing the projections, I would kindly request you to leave the movies with me so that I can promote your work in other movie projects that can occur. I will not involve your movies in any cultural project that has a commercial purpose, but only in those projects dedicated exclusively to promotion and support of contemporary art. I will open on my new webpage http://www.bochis.ro a section dedicated exclusively to our joint projects dedicated to experimental movies, with up to date information about their evolution.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me to the following e-mail:
Hereunder, the Manifesto will provide you with the guidance regarding how the experimental movies should be made.
The text of the artistic and literary project around "the mondrianisation" of the world was built on three axes:
1 – The essays Piet Mondrian published in French in "De Stijl", in the beginning of the twenties, form the first axis “the disappearance of the visible world” – the leading idea of the book written by the poet Jan Misjkin.
2 - The second axis keeps the consonants of the name M=NDR=N, creating new words by permuting these consonants (the vowels are free electrons); here is an example: "Mine De RieN MoNDRian". Certain anagrams (if we do not take into consideration the consonants) are in Dutch: MeeR DaN MieR eN RoeM Na NijD eN NaaD.”
3 – Most of the ideas come from a friction of the "journalistic texts against the economic crisis, whose meaning was diverted in the direction of P. Mondian essays, especially the following: ”the reality does not miss the initiative to imitate panic".
Between the rigueur, the austerity of the "mondrianisation" and the disorder of the "mondrialisation", the video makers from different parts of the world make works inspired from the reality of their social environment.
Video projections related to this subject
Cinema "La Pagode" Paris, L’espace 59 Rivoli, Paris. Romania in scheduled projections with announcement of the places at that respective time on my webpage:
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