luni, 6 mai 2024

European International Book Art Biennale, 2024

            European International Book  Art Biennale


All artists or art students from all over the world without any restrictions regarding age or specialty are eligible to apply.

        Application procedure

The application procedure will be in four stages as described below

       Stage One:  Sending of the application materials

 Deadline: 30 of May 2024 - via email only to

 Application materials arriving after this date will not be examined.

 To enter this competition, please send the following materials:

  • No more than 3 digital Images of works for the exhibition – 300dpi in jpg. format
  • CV – short, 100 words in doc. format in English and web if have. This information is important for the web presentation, not for the selection.  
  • Personal photograph – 300dpi. in .jpg format
  • Filled in application form – titles, dimensions and media/technique description and a picture with the work. The actual size of the works for this exhibition must be no more than 50/70/50cm.

Application materials must be sent via email only before May 30, 2024

Selection results will also be online on  3 of June, 2024 at

      Curator: Dorothea Fleiss PhD.



Stage Two: Sending the original works selected in Stage 1


Deadline June 30, 2024 – last time to arrived in Carei, Romania

Works have to arrive in Carei, Romania, no later than the deadline. 

  • Originals arriving after this date will not be included in the exhibition.

·        The organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage sustained during transportation.

·        as PRINTED MATTER by registered air-mail in a simple packet, unframed, without mounting, bearing the declaration "No commercial value". Please notice: Packages with declared value amounts arrive directly in the customs office, and they will be returned back from the customs office at the expense of the sender.

·        All selected works must be legibly labeled with the titles, dimensions, media, and dates of the work include a small black and white photo of the work.

·        Authors will be informed by email after the end of exhibition about covering the return price of transport expenses.

·        All works have to be with prepared hanging system by the artist. If such not exist, the organizers reserved the right to expose the work according to their possibilities and if this is against the entirety of the work, the organizers don’t take any responsibility. If this embarrass or threaten other works, the organizers reserved the right not to expose the work having such a problem.

Accepted works must be sent to the address below:




 EIBAB Bienala

 str. 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 1 – Castel

445100 Carei / Romania/ Europe

Stage 3 - the Exhibition


·        Exhibition dates are July 21- 26, 2024 at the Castle Museum, Carei, Transylvania, Romania

·        Exhibition news will be published in all media and  newspapers

·        Exhibition will be publicized widely and advertised in all media.  Art critics, curators, collectors and art lovers will all be invited. The organizers will also invite representative persons of foreign cultural institutions in Bucharest.

·        The artists will be informed if their works are sold, and the money will be transferred to their bank accounts after 10% VAT and taxes for sending.

·        If some of selected artists would like to come the opening please inform organizers.

 Stage Four : Return of the originals

             All applicants will receive their works back by end of the year 2024.

             Conditions for returning of the works:

  • All authors will be informed by email after the end of exhibition about covering the return price of transport expenses.
  • If the artist would like to donate the works to the organizers, this should be stated on the application form by checking YES or No. Donated works can’t change the status later on. They belong to EIBAB. Registration form is a contract.

     Entry Fee                                                                                                                    

The Entry is free. Only selected artists please send with the work  50 Euros/USD helps to cover the cost for advertising materials, organization of the exhibition, PR campaign, taxes for transfers are not include.


 Selection will be made by an international jury of art experts. The decisions of the jury are final.

      Rules for publishing:

EIBAB reserves the right to photograph all works, advertise them and publish all materials on website of the exhibition and all other needs.

    For further questions please email to:  

Contact person: Dorothea Fleiss PhD



                    E I B A B 2024

                    (European International Book Art Biennale)



                                ENTRY FORM

Name ________________________________________________________________





 E – mail: ______________________________________________________________



 Date of birth_________________________ Place____________________________



                         WORK ENTERED:


Name of work__________________________________________________________




Donate  YES/ NO (Please use YES or NO).


I accept the rules and regulations of  E.I.B.A.B. 2024  ( European International Book  Art Biennale)                                                    Signature            

      Please fill one label for the selected work  including a small black and white photo of the work and put on the back of the work or together with the work



                    E I B A B 2024

                    (European International Book Art Biennale)


 Name ________________________________________________________________



Name of work__________________________________________________________

