În cadrul BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4, ca un eveniment paralel, are loc proiecţia filmului documentar "Kapitalism - reţeta noastră secretă" regizat de Alexandru SOLOMON, pe 2 iunie 2010, ora 16.00
Locaţie: Noul Cinema al Regizorului Român, Muzeul Ţăranului Român, Şoseaua Kiseleff numărul 3.
Au trecut 20 de ani de la Revoluţie. Oare am ajuns unde trebuie? “Kapitalism - reţeta noastră secretă” descrie drumul nostru de la un comunism cu faţă urâtă la o democraţie originală de piaţă. Şi cine ştie mai bine cum a fost drumul decât câştigătorii? Filmul îi adună laolaltă pe cei mai mari magnaţi din România şi încearcă să afle ce i-a mânat pe ei în luptă. Urmăriţi-i la ei acasă, în reuniuni de afaceri sau în croazieră cu iahtul - şi aflaţi care e reţeta lor. La noi, Capitalismul începe cu litera K - un cocteil exotic în care se amestecă banii, puterea şi trecutul comunist.
Alexandru Solomon este unul dintre cei mai apreciaţi regizori de filme documentare din România. A regizat peste 10 documentare şi a primit numeroase premii.
Acesta este un proiect al "PAVILION", jurnal de politică şi cultură
BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4 organize as an PARALLEL EVENT, the screening of documentary "Kapitalism - our improved Formula", Directed by Alexandru Solomon, on June 2nd, 2010, at 16.00 hour
Venue: Noul Cinema al Regizorului Roman, Muzeul Taranului Roman (Romanian Peasant Museum), Soseaua Kiseleff 3
20 years have passed since the Revolution. Have we attained our goal? "Kapitalism - our secret recipe" describes our road from communism with an ugly face to an original market economy. And who knows the road better than the winners? The movie brings together the biggest magnates in Romania and tries to find out what was their driving force in this battle. Watch them at home, on business trips or on yacht cruises - and find out their recipe. Here, Capitalism begins with K - an exotic cocktail in which money, power and the communist past are mixed.
Alexandru Solomon is one of the most appreciated Romanian documentary film directors. He has directed more than 10 documentaries until today and won many awards.
BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4 organize as an PARALLEL EVENT, the screening of documentary "Kapitalism - our improved Formula", Directed by Alexandru Solomon, on June 2nd, 2010, at 16.00 hour
Venue: Noul Cinema al Regizorului Roman, Muzeul Taranului Roman (Romanian Peasant Museum), Soseaua Kiseleff 3
20 years have passed since the Revolution. Have we attained our goal? "Kapitalism - our secret recipe" describes our road from communism with an ugly face to an original market economy. And who knows the road better than the winners? The movie brings together the biggest magnates in Romania and tries to find out what was their driving force in this battle. Watch them at home, on business trips or on yacht cruises - and find out their recipe. Here, Capitalism begins with K - an exotic cocktail in which money, power and the communist past are mixed.
Alexandru Solomon is one of the most appreciated Romanian documentary film directors. He has directed more than 10 documentaries until today and won many awards.